Friday, January 7, 2011

Youtube Clusterfuck

Happy Weekend!!! Since I promised not to miss a posting for the next six weeks, I felt really guilty when I woke up this morning and was like, fuck it I'm sleeping in, everyone can kiss my ass. But then I figured it would be kind of lame to miss a post the very week after I just told you all I wasn't going to miss a post, so here we are.

BUT. I never stated how long said postings needed to be to be considered a post. Sometimes I'm tricky like that.

So, I'm going to share with you today a sampling of some of my favorite youtube videos. This will tie in to next week's real posting. So pay attention, or pay the price. You should know I'm a sucker for a good beat, babies, and small animals. I know weird, right? Even a cynical bitch like myself has her kryptonite.


I do not care what you say. That is fucking hilarious.


Most of you have probably seen this kid. His name is Kennan Cahill. Hes 15 and a midget. Or Little Person if you prefer. And he started doing these lip synced videos and got noticed and is experiencing he 15 minutes of youtube fame currently. If you're like me at all, when you first saw him you were like what the fuck. But Ive watched like 5 interviews with him and I happen to love him now and will tell you why next week. And yes that's actually 50. It was filmed in a studio though, not the kid's house. PS-I don't care who you are this song is sick.


I watched this like 10 times in a row the first time I saw it. I'm pretty sure that's a person in a Panda Suit.


Yes I understand the racial implications of this video. The reasons I find it funny are as follows 1) This was an actual news story. 2) The amateur sketch 3) That lady in the car around 2:00 is the shit. 4) The dude with the leprechaun flute that is obviously fucking with the reporter. 5) Did I mention the amateur sketch?


These guys are really talented. Youtube talented. Not like Nobel Prize talented. Very thin ice. Verythinice verythinice verythinice.

Ok that's all you get for now since I'm already running late. Come back next week !! Have a great weekend.


1 comment:

  1. To be fair Maria, it could be a crackhead.. and the point in #4 occurs at minute 1.
