Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Friends are Fun

So. I've decided Im trying out for Roller Derby this year. Aside from the fact of wanting to impress you, there is a reason Im making this announcement public. After going to a Derby store in Minneapolis, and meeting the various patrons and employees there, I got to thinking about different lifestyles and social affiliations and how the hell they have all come about. I mean, you can find a group, a club, a gathering, for just about any and every single thing in this world there is to be interested in. For example: Did you know that Worm Club meets once a month in Room 2052 at noon in Kelly Lab at Georgia Tech to discuss what I have to assume is the fascinating & all encompassing world of natures most misunderstood non-arthropod invertebrate? Because it does. Google that shit. Or--Bing that shit--ahh yes the search engine that proves its coolness superiority to Google simply by using screen saver backdrops that change...every day! Pssssh only old people and babies use search engines that advertise with primary colored letters in their displays. But I digress.

Worms not your thing? How about Nutella! Its that stuff that looks like chocolate peanut butter that Europeans and college students who have spent a semester abroad like to eat and feel superior about eating. "Wait, you still buy Skippy? No no its still cool to eat something you enjoyed as an infant. Loser." There happens to be an 'I Love Nutella' online support group where you can "Anonymously connect with people who share your experience". You can also "Read true personal stories, chat & get advice, support and help from a group of 84 people who all say I Love Nutella" Now.....hold on a minute. I think the only reason I would be ashamed to admit I love Nutella is if I was using it as shampoo or if I planned on somehow incorporating it into a murder I was outlining. Other than that, why does one's Nutella obsession need to be anonymous? And are there really only 84 of you in a population of 6 billion? Sad face.

How about the Society for Barefoot Living founded in 1994? Down with Shoes and their Marxist Ideals! Or the "I hate Chicken Pox Club" on Mumsweb.com 1) Who really enjoys infectious diseases? and 2)Mumsweb? Get over yourself England.

I think you get the picture. Im tired of flipping back and forth between Google--Bing can S my D, Thesaurus.com and this blog. Point is, if you are into something, and want to find other people out there who are just as crazy as you, go for it. They are out there and are eagerly awaiting your arrival.

1 comment:

  1. Clubs are fun! Random clubs to which I have belonged or of which I have attended occasional meetings: The Notre Dame Zonk League, Collegiate Neuroscience Society, Georgia State Spineless Neuroscience Forum, First Aid Services Team, Notre Dame Boxing Club, The United Apartments of 1715, The Evolution Journal Club.

    And perhaps I'll pop up the street to that Worm Club one of these months. I wonder if they eat the worms too (though they are probably focused the near-microscopic model system used in genetics research: C. elegans -- not good eatin').
