Friday, August 20, 2010

A 30 second commentary on HydroGel

Morning Peeps. Hope you are excited its almost the weekend. Only a few more hours to go and then you can do whatever the crap you want. So hang in there! Also, this is going to be a short one. Because I have shit to do today. But it doesn't mean I love you less. And to be completely honest, I had a huge one I started writing about Holden Caufield, but in order to make it flow properly I would have had to put in like a 2-3 more hours worth of work, and I didnt feel up to the challenge. I told you I was lazy. Sloth at its finest. I would rather think about what Im going to go get for dinner tonight than do any more actual work, so this is what you get today. Holla.

There is this commercial that has been driving me f-ing insane every time it happens to pop up in between episodes of Futurama or Jersey Shore---I have regressed in my development and have been watching mainly cartoons and MTV reality shows for the past week. Such is life. Anyways, Schick came out with this line of commercials advertising their new HydroGel razors with the tag line "Its like a blast of Hydration to your face!" which, is a lame tag line in itself, but that's not what gets my goat--which incidentally is a statement, I would like to know the origin of. Alright so in these commercials, they show a guy getting hit in the head with a soccer ball, or a chick taking off her shirt sexily and throwing it at this dude's face, or a guy's towel turning into water when he goes to use it. Fine. I'm ok with those things. I get your point Schick. Using your new razor would be like if everything that ever had the possibility of hitting my face turned into water. Sounds refreshing. But have you ever noticed the one scene that doesn't seem quiet appropriate in these commercials? Two men of possible Asian descent are fighting Kendo style with these long ass sticks. And one dude takes his stick, and with all his might, mind you, slams it against the back of the other dude's head. Thankfully the stick turned into a blast of hydration upon impact, but really Schick, what the fuck?? If that stick hadn't turned into water, that dude would be dead. Like there would be a huge stick shaped dent in the back of his brain and he would no longer be breathing. He would be on the floor, bleeding uncontrollably. Brain matter would be visible. All of the other people in the Kendo class would be in shock. The police would have to be called. How is this making me want to purchase your razor Shick? All the other events in these commercials show situations where, had the object not turned into water, the person might have been hurt, but wouldn't be suffering from traumatic brain injury. It gives me the chills every time I see it. So get your shit together Schick. I don't like being traumatized by ads for men's grooming products when I'm trying to relax after a 10 hour work day. Fuck.

The end. Have a stellar weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I found that pretty disturbing too... are they trying to make you think that using their razor is like getting your head smashed in? Because if that's the case, I'll pick an alternate brand, thankyouverymuch.

    A quick Googling tells one that "get my goat" comes from horse racing, in which goats were used as companion animals to keep the horses calm before a race. If a goat were to be stolen or go missing, the horse would be all freaked out. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. But very little in the English language does...
